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How to Get Used to Talking With Your Dentures

Sep 05, 2023
If you’re getting dentures or you’ve just recently started wearing them, you’ll need to readjust to basic things like eating and speaking. Read on to find out what methods you can use to improve using your dentures.

Teeth are part of the first step in digestion, used to tear and break down foods as it goes into the throat, as well as an important part of how we create sounds when we speak. But problems with dental health are bad enough that millions lose teeth and need to replace them in some way to maintain normal function. According to data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) adults between ages 20-64 have on average just under 80% of their permanent teeth, and just over 2% have no teeth at all.

Dentures are an option for people missing multiple or all teeth, but there is a period of adjustment involved in moving from natural teeth to these oral appliances. One such adjustment is speaking, and the path to resuming speech that feels normal can be frustrating. To better understand the challenges and how to overcome them, let’s explore the types of dentures out there, the common problems people have speaking with dentures, and how you can overcome them.

If you live in the Sacramento, California, area and you’re struggling with speaking or other functions with new dentures, Dr. Peter Kim and his skilled medical staff at Sierra Oaks Dental can help.

Types of dentures

If you have multiple teeth missing and need them replaced, here are the denture types to choose from:

  • Partial: if several teeth are missing in a section of your mouth, this is the option you should use, using clasps to attach to surrounding natural teeth.
  • Full: if you’re missing teeth in the entire upper or lower jaw, this is the option you need, using an adhesive to keep it in place.
  • Immediate: this is a kind of denture that can be work shortly after teeth have been removed, which can be temporary or permanent.
  • Implant retained: this is a denture supported by implants that are removable, and are more stable that the adhesive type.
  • Implant supported: this is also a implant, but once these are placed on your gums, it is permanently attached.

Common problems with speech 

When you first get fitted with dentures, the common sensation people generally deal with is the “full mouth” sensation that comes from having them in where your teeth used to be because you’ve become accustomed to them being gone. This also changes the shape of your lower face if you have no teeth, resulting in your lips being pushed forward. 

When it comes to speech, it changes and increases the vibrations in the jawbone and skull, which you will notice more than anyone listening to you speak. Clicking is also a problem with speaking with dentures, because the act of moving your jaw in the motions necessary to form words may move or raise your lower denture. Initially the muscles you’re using to speak may also kick out your lower set of dentures.

Techniques for improvement 

Many of these problems will improve as you get accustomed to wearing these dental appliances, but here are some tips to improve speech as you’re making the adjustment:

Biting and swallowing

Before you start talking, you want to be sure your dentures are fixed in place, so biting down and swallowing any saliva can help secure them when you’re ready to speak. 

Practice reading aloud

This can be done in private so you can gauge how well you’re doing, but reading out loud with the dentures gets you familiar with sounding out the common words and increases your comfort in speaking with them. 


The numbers between 60-90 have some difficult to sound out words that will help provide additional challenges in becoming more comfortable speaking. This will increase your comfort with using dentures.

Dentures can be tricky to use at first, but with the right amount of work and practice, you’ll be able to get it to the point where it feels natural. If you have any concerns or questions regarding caring for dentures, or are struggling with other dental problems, make an appointment with Dr. Kim and Sierra Oaks Dental today.